Learn to make music with Ableton Live (full video recordings from our intro workshop)

Every year we run a workshop on Introduction to Ableton Live for all new members of the NUS Electronic Music Lab, to help them get started on their journey towards creating, recording, performing and promoting original electronic music. In a normal year, we would meet every week at the NUS Centre for the Arts, but this year we conducted it completely on Zoom.

These are the full video recordings of the 2020 workshop, conducted on Zoom by Ben Ang (Principal Tutor and Ableton Certified Trainer) on Ableton Live 10. 

EML activities are open to all NUS students and alumni - contact electronicmusiclab@gmail.com to find out more or to book EML for a performance or music production. 
If you want to learn how to make music with Ableton Live but you're not in NUS, contact Ben Ang at http://benangmusic.com 
