Electronic Event by Cobalt Bomb Alpha Omega (Tokyo)

Thank you to Cobalt Bomb Alpha Omega (コバルト爆弾αΩ - kobaruto bakudan arufa omega), for your performance and workshop at NUS UTown on Fri 28/3! Here are photos (and video coming soon)

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私たちは大宮さんに紹介してもらい感謝しています! Cobalt Bomb Alpha Omegaの二人の設立メンバーが彼に会うためここに来てくれて、ベンが主任講師をするElectronic Music Lab(NUSのベースに活動)でベンにコンタクトしてくれたの。一緒にNUSでイベントをオーガナイズして成功させたわ。そこで、Cobalt Bomb Alpha Omegaはパフォーマンスをするだけではなく、どのようにテクノロジーを使うかというワークショップもしてくれた。学生にとっては目から鱗だったわ。

The original post

For the first time ever in Singapore, catch this exclusive live performance in Singapore by Tokyo-based multimedia performance collective Cobalt Bomb Alpha Omega (コバルト爆弾αΩ - kobaruto bakudan arufa omega), at NUS UTown!

Cobalt Bomb Alpha Omega includes various types of geeks and nerds, twelve members who are a thinker, Manga / Anime / Gundam /library / Music Otaku, engineers, interaction/ editorial/ graphic designers, a composer, a musical instruments developer, an architect, a landscape architect, a video director.
Since 2006, they have performed at "DENPA!!!", the legendary music events in late 2000's, in Tokyo/Osaka, "MOGRA ", the most popular club in Akihabara, Tokyo, “Mixed Bathing World”, an International contemporary art triennale in Beppu, Oita, "Maker Faire Tokyo" and festivals in six universities including four national universities: Yokohama National University, Tsukuba University, Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and Chiba University. More info at

This event also includes an exclusive workshop by Cobalt Bomb Alpha Omega on Max6-based VJ application for Mac "AnoTag", and project:VOCALOOP, a software prototype vocaloid loop sequencer.

Opening live performances by the Electronic Music Lab
email electronicmusiclab@gmail.com now to register for the guest list.
Venue: NUS UTown
7.00 pm Electronic Music Lab - live performance
8.00 pm Cobalt Bomb Alpha Omega - live performance and workshop
In the meantime, watch this video clip of their amazing live performance in Tokyo
