Acousmatic Music in the age of EDM and Launchpads

MUSIC TECH SG invited me to speak and perform at their Meetup in SMU on 19 September.
Synopsis: Acousmatic music began as recorded musique concrete, projected on loudspeakers in concert with no live musicians, and has analogues in modern electronic music and DJ sets. But in the era of EDM superstars, where audiences expect the DJ to "perform live", is there still room for the acousmatic aesthetic?
Performance begins at 42:00
Finale with field recording of the words of one local electronic musician at 47:15

Slides are here

Before I spoke, independent musician and Creative Commons Singapore lead Ivan Chew, spoke about his journey from Librarian to Musician. It's full of useful ideas for musicians who want to develop their skills and circle of contacts through legal remixing.
